Craciun de alta data

Posted in Life on December 23, 2013 by smurariu

M-am gândit, că acum, când se pregătesc bucatele pentru Crăciun nu ar fi rău să vă descriu o masă tradiţională, naţională, de Crăciun!
Aam spus întotdeauna că trebuie să revenim la obiceiurile şi morala clasei de mijloc, ale mic burgheziei dintre cele două războaie. Am găsit, într-un vechi “carnet de bal” lista pentru masa de Crăciun, anul 1937, listă făcută de bunicul meu dom’ Pascale, negustor şi meseriaş cinstit şi stimat din Obor şi de bunica mea Uţa, băcăniţă cu marfă bună şi ieftină dar şi proprietară a multor terenuri din jur, aflate pe foia de zestre – de pe Maşina de Pâine, numărul 52, lângă Fabrica de sifoane, la bariera Oborului. Pe la ora 13,30, în ziua de Crăciun, se strângeau musafirii: d’alde Malaxa, Asan şi Predoleanu, boierii Şerbănescu, Florescu şi Ştefănescu (celălat bunic al meu), generalul Petroff, avocatul Petrovicescu, ambasadorul X şi consului Y. Am completat câte puţin cu amintirile mele din copilărie, din anii ’50, când dom’ Pascale încă mai putea să-şi ţină eticheta. Întâi se servea domnilor care se aşezau la masa uriaşă de 24 de persoane, cu farfurii de porţelan de Bavaria cu două spade, albastre, încrucişate, şi tacîmuri de argint sterling, englezeşti, desigur – ei bine, se servea alune sărate şi ţuică de Văleni. Doamnele se învârteau pe la bucătării, “îşi pudrau nasul” iar copiii deschideau cadourile aflate sub Pomul de Crăciun. Poate o să râdeţi, dar eu, personal, am auzit de Moş Crăciun, de substitutul său, Moş Gerilă, abia la şcoală, în clasa I-a. La noi în familie cadourile de Crăciun erau aduse de Prunc, sau de Cei Trei Crai de la Răsărit! Apoi doamnele, vesele şi foarte bine dispuse, pentru că la bucătării, aveam trei bucătării, era şi puţină, sau mai multă, mastică de Chios – începeau să umple masa. Ouă umplute, cu o pastă al cărui secret s-a pierdut, dar cred că era pe bază de ficat de pasăre, unele poate şi cu anşoa, decorate cu frunzuliţe de pătrunjel sau murături, roşii umplute cu brânză de vaci de la olteni, mezeluri, neapărat salam de Sibiu, ghiudem, babic, kaizer, trei-patru feluri de brânzeturi, caşcavaluri, Camembert. Totul aşezat pe platori mari de alpaca argintată! Măsline naturale marinate, nu din cele negre. Cât am fost copil nu am văzut măsline negre! Se aduceau sticlele de ţuică, neapărat de Văleni şi Piteşti. Apoi venea marea salată de beuf, făcută din maioneză pregătită în casă cu ouă de la Săruleşti şi cu un ulei special adus din Albania, nu, nu ulei de măsline, altceva, dar nu se mai ştie calitatea în ziua de astăzi! Cu o cruce mare, roşie, din murături roşii, gogoşari, peste maioneză strălucitoare. Nu ştiu exact semnificaţia, de fapt o ştiu foarte bine, dar asta este altă poveste… Pâine albă şi neagră, de pe Lizeanu. Erau la rând, tremurând de nerăbdare, piftia de porc şi de curcan cu murături şi felii de ou în aspic. Apoi se făcea o mică pauză, domnii vorbeau de afaceri, politică şi curse de cai, iar doamnele despre modă, copii şi actori.
Iarăşi doamnele se ridicau de la masă, evacuau farfuriile şi platourile folosite, ca să apară cu alte bunătăţi: icre şi pescărie. Sigur, aveam bucătari şi servitoare, dar la Crăciun şi Paşte tradiţia de două sute de ani a familiei cerea ca doamnele să servească la masa festivă, ca demonstraţie balcanică a dragostei şi a respectului faţă de bărbaţi, capii familiei, cei care aduceau banii în casă! Icre de Manciuria şi Beluga şi autohtonele icre de ştiucă. Cu lămâi frumos tăiate, în spirale şi la icrele negre se mai adăuga unt de Sinaia şi gălbenuş tare de ou. Pâine prăjită, de la cuptorul de pe Zece Mese. Apoi urmau şalău cu maioneză în sos alb de lămâie şi somn la grătar. Se servea un vin alb sec, Fetească. Se mai făcea o pauză, bărbaţii jucau table sau stos, iar doamnele îşi scoteau pantofii cu platformă, înalţi şi periculoşi, ca să încalţe papuci de blană, de la Braşov. La un moment dat gazda întreba: “Măi băieţi, dar vouă nu vă este foame?” Semn pentru aducerea celor trei sute treizeci şi trei de sarmale. Cu mămăliguţă făcută cu lapte din mălai de moară de piatră şi smântână tot de la olteni. La sarmale mai apăreau pe masă şi două-trei feluri de muştar, hrean şi alte mirodenii de dres gustul, după poftă. Cine voia putea lua, înaintea sarmalelor, o ciorbică de perişoare sau o supă de pui! Apoi fără întrerupere, apăreau fripturile de porc, curcan şi vânat, cartofii prăjiţi pai, franţuzeşte, murăturile de multe feluri, gogonele, castraveţi, gogoşari. Apoi mici bucăţele de cârnat, ficat, rinichi, şorici, lebăr, caltaboş, mititei, pomana porcului! Două feluri de vin roşu, sec, Băbească şi Pietroasele. Sigur, toate băuturile se serveau în pahare de cristal, cristal adevărat, “cu ochi” nu imitaţiile patetice de astăzi cu 24% plumb! Pentru copii se făcea un meniu separat, cu piure şi şniţel vienez! Cine voia, comanda o cafea, făcută neapărat din cafea braziliană de la “Armeanul”. Doamnele preferau o ciocolată caldă cu frişcă atunci bătută! Se mai sta şi se mai discuta preţ de la vreo oră, se puneau la cale logodne şi încuscriri, călătorii şi vacanţe. Undeva, în salonul mic, se auzea un patefon iar domnii invitau doamnele la dans! Apoi începeau să fie aduse fructele şi dulciurile, toate odată, ca să aleagă omul şi să se sature numai văzându-le! Portocale, mandarine, banane, ananaşi, mere, pere şi un… pepene!
Urmau cozonacii, imenşi, parfumaţi, plini de nucă, stafide şi de cacao. Rahat nu se punea pe atunci! Vinul se schimba cu dulcele Cotnari! Fursecuri de multe feluri şi mărimi, prăjituri făcute numai în casă, cu gust fantastic, cum nu se mai fac, două torturi, mereu două. Aşa era tradiţia la noi în casă. Un tort pentru Prunc şi unul pentru Mama Lui, Fecioara Maria! Apoi urma dansul, “konga” în toată casa, cadourile trăznite pe care şi le făceu unul altuia mesenii, jocuri de societate, glume, bancuri, păcăleli, “mima” etc. Oamenii chiar se distrau cât puteau şi râdeau în hohote! De Crăciun nu se bea şampanie… doar de Revelion! Pe la ora zece noaptea se aducea o a doua cafea, semn că musafirii trebuie să se cam ducă pe la casele lor.
A doua zi, prin curier, dom’ Pascale şi coniţa Uţa primeau carţile de vizită ale mesenilor cu câte o scrisoare de mulţumire în care se arăta cât de bine s-au simţit…
Dacă v-aţi simţit bine la acestă invitaţie la petrecere prin spaţiu, timp şi gând, pentru că, nu-i aşa, nu este mare diferenţă între spaţiu, timp şi gând, ei bine, vă invit şi mâine, vă trimit cartea mea de vizită, pentru că mâine, este în definitiv, o altă zi!

[Text luat de undeva, primit prin chain email. Tot respectul autorului!]

2012 in review

Posted in Life on December 30, 2012 by smurariu

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 4,900 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 8 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

Legenda lui Narcis

Posted in Life on August 8, 2012 by smurariu

Alchimistul cunoştea legenda lui Narcis, frumosul băiat care-şi contempla zilnic propria frumuseţe într-un lac. Era atît de fascinat de el însuşi că într-o bună zi a căzut în lac şi a murit înecat. În locul acela, a apărut o floare care s-a numit narcisă.
Dar nu aşa îşi încheia Oscar Wilde povestirea. El spunea că atunci cînd a murit Narcis, au venit naiadele ― zeiţele izvoarelor şi ale pădurii ― şi au văzut lacul transformat dintr-unul cu apă dulce, într-un ulcior cu lacrimi sărate.
― De ce plîngi? au întrebat naiadele.
― Plîng pentru Narcis, răspunse lacul.
― Ah, nu-i de mirare că plîngi pentru Narcis, continuară ele. La urma urmelor, deşi noi am alergat mereu după el prin pădure, tu erai singurul care puteai să-i contempli de aproape frumuseţea.
― Dar Narcis era frumos? întrebă lacul.
― Cine altul poate şti mai bine decît tine? răspunseră, surprinse, naiadele. La urma urmelor, doar pe marginile tale se apleca el în fiecare zi.
Lacul rămase tăcut o vreme. Într-un tîrziu, zise:
― Îl plîng pe Narcis, dar niciodată n-am ştiut că el era frumos. Îl plîng pe Narcis pentru că de fiecare dată cînd se apleca deasupra apelor mele, eu puteam să văd reflectată, în fundul ochilor lui, propria-mi frumuseţe.

How to configure an iSCSI target that supports the SCSI-3 Persistent Reservation

Posted in Do it yourself with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 7, 2012 by smurariu

Why in God’s Green Earth might I want to do that?

Well, a very good question. The reason you might consider configuring an iScsi-3 target is because that’s the only way you will be able to configure a Failover Cluster and Cluster Shared Volumes. This is a prerequisite if you want to be able to run virtual machines using Hyper-V and take advantage of the Live Migration feature.

The Live Migration feature basically allows you to have a number of nodes (read separate servers) running virtual machines and transparently move the execution of a virtual machine between these nodes without loosing as much as a single ping. Yep, you read that correctly, the wonders of modern technology, eh?

You may want to do that for any number of reasons including powering off a server for upgrades or maintenance, adding more servers to meet rising demands in your organization, etc. I’m sure you can think of many more.

Will it involve using Linux?

Yes it will. Either that, or blowing a fortune on a SAN device that knows how to do this, SAN device that most likely will run… Linux.

Will it hurt?

It could but if you follow this guide all should go smoothly.

Setting it up

You need a server that will act as your iScsi-3 target. The hardware requirements of this server are your call, given that they need to meet the specific speed and redundancy requirements of your particular situation. I personally recommend using CentOS because it is as close to an Enterprise Linux as you can ever be.

Let’s assume that your Linux box is up and running, your kernel is at least @ version 2.6.38, and that your raid controller is now showing up as /dev/sdb

All the commands you’ll need are the following:

/etc/init.d/target start
tcm_node –block iblock_0/my_iblock0 /dev/sdb
lio_node –addlun iscsi-test 1 1 lun_my_block iblock_0/my_iblock0
lio_node –addnp iscsi-test 1
lio_node –disableauth iscsi-test 1
lio_node –enableaclmode iscsi-test 1
lio_node –addlunacl iscsi-test 1 1 1
lio_node –enabletpg iscsi-test 1
tcm_dump –t 2011-09-22_BASE
lio_dump –t 2011-09-22_BASE
tcm_dump –o

In red you have the points that might require changing to match your particular setup but otherwise, it does not get much easier than this, trust me. Even so, there are a number of things that need to be understood about the commands above so let’s go through them one by one:

/etc/init.d/target start

It’s clear that this one just starts the service up. This is a service that does not support chkconfig so don’t try setting it up as a startup service in this way. Instead you should chkconfig lio-target on.

tcm_node –block iblock_0/my_iblock0 /dev/sdb

This step just creates a block device (there are other kinds of devices available, flat file is one of them). Note the /dev/sdb that is the device you want to be using for block storage. If you’re using a different one, update this value.

We will now proceed to add a iSCSI Target Logical Unit (LUN) to this block and name it lun_my_block. Of course you can name it whatever you like but the name of the block needs to be the one you set in the previous command (iblock_0/my_iblock0 in our case).

lio_node –addlun iscsi-test 1 1 lun_my_block iblock_0/my_iblock0

Once we have the lun, we need to configure the network portal where it will be exposed:

lio_node –addnp iscsi-test 1

It is recommended that you have a separate network card that’s to be reserved entirely for iSCSI operations. If you do than use the ip address of this card. If not, the ip of eth0 will do as well.

The following commands disable the CHAP authentication and enable ACLs as security mechanism:

lio_node –disableauth iscsi-test 1
lio_node –enableaclmode iscsi-test 1

Once that is in place we need to specify what specific iSCSI Initiators are allowed to connect to our precious LUN:

lio_node –addlunacl iscsi-test 1 1 1

In this command the [] part is the iSCSI Initiator Name. What is this and where do you get one? This is command actually says that only the machine with this initiator name will have access to our iScsi target. You can add multiple ACLs, one for each machine that you want to allow to access the resource. The iSCSI Initiator name can be found on the Windows machines by opening up the iSCSI Initiator dialog, going to the Configuration tab (the last one)  and copying the value you find in the Initiator Name text box.

In the case of Windows machines this is by default set to ““. If your computer name is HyperV-Node1 the default iSCSI Initiator name would be

If you need to have 4 nodes accessing this storage device you would have the following list of commands:

lio_node –addlunacl iscsi-test 1 1 1
lio_node –addlunacl iscsi-test 1 1 1
lio_node –addlunacl iscsi-test 1 1 1
lio_node –addlunacl iscsi-test 1 1 1

All that out of the way, your 4 HyperV nodes will be able to access the iSCSI target and do Live Migration between them.

Wrapping things up we have to enable TPG (Target Portal Group) on the iSCSI target:

lio_node –enabletpg iscsi-test 1

Backup the config to /etc/target/backup:

tcm_dump –t 2011-09-22_BASE
lio_dump –t 2011-09-22_BASE

And set the current configuration as the startup one:

tcm_dump –o

That’s all folks!

You should now check your config by executing /etc/init.d/target status then rebooting the machine and making sure the configuration is loaded correctly at startup. Additionally you could check the /etc/target/ and /etc/target/ files and see if the correct configuration information is present.

Credits go to Roberto La Verde for his indications and guidelines.


Posted in Life on March 18, 2012 by smurariu

Pentr’un țoi, cand n’avea banul
Isi dadea zalog sumanul.
Pentt’un kil cand a’nsetat
Sufletul si l-ar fi dat.

Dela crasma, toti plecara,
Numai el mai sta… Si-i seara…
A plecat si el acum,
Cumpanindu-se pe drum.

Soata-i zice: arz’o focul!
Crasma ti-o manca norocul!
El ii bate din picior:
“Taci, femeie, ca te-omor”

Merge… pan’la crucea ‘nalta,
Iar la cruce, buf! in balta…
S-a sculat cu mare greu
Iata-l la caminul sau.

“Hai la masa!” ‘l roaga ea
Dansu-i trage o palma grea.
Copilasii… prind a plange,
El, nebun, de gat ii strange.

-“Vai!… Paganul!… Mi-i sugruma!”
-“Ce? Mai na si tie ciuma!”
Cade jos apoi turtit
Somn adanc l-a coplesit.

Dimineata, o arsura
Foc ii sunt si piept si gura.
Ca sa-i treac ‘al setei jar,
Pleaca ‘n sat la crasma iar.

Intr-o noapte viscoloasa,
Giaba’l asteptau acasa…
Catre ziua l-au gasit
Intr-un sant, intepenit.

P. Dulfu.

Cand marea…

Posted in Life, Thoughts on December 22, 2011 by smurariu

Când marea turbează de valuri împinsă
Și-și scutură coama de spume și vânt,
Când nori-alung ziua din lumea cea plânsă,
Când tunete cânt;

Atunci printre nouri, prin vânt și prin unde
O rază de aur se toarce ușor
Și-n fundul sălbatec al mărei pătrunde
Prin vânt și prin nor.

Ce caută raza din ceruri venită,
Din galbena steauă ce-aleargă prin cer,
Ce caută-n mare, în noaptea-i cernită
Und-razele pier?

În fundul cel umed al mărei turbate,
În lumea-i noptoasă, în sânu-i de-amar,
Lucește o steauă în piatră schimbată,
În mărgăritar.

E-amantul a stelei ce palidă trece
Și-aruncă prin nori a ei rază de nea,
E-amantul căzut dintre stele, ce rece
În mare murea.

Waldorf Mornings…

Posted in Life on December 18, 2011 by smurariu

Privesc in lumea mare,
Lumina de la soare,
Scanteia de la stele,
Cu pietrele zacand
Cu plantele traind,
Cu fiare vii simtind
Si om insufletit,
De Duh salasluit.

Privesc launtru-n suflet,
Cum vietuieste-n mine
Iar Spiritul Divin
Se tese in lumini
In soarele senin
Si-n suflet in adanc.

Spre tine Duh Divin
Ma-ndrept eu vrand sa cer
Ca forta si sfintirea
De munca si-nvatare
In mine-adanc sa creasca.


Professor Sid Watkins looks back on one of motor racing’s blackest weekends

Posted in Life, Thoughts with tags , , , , , , on August 25, 2011 by smurariu

Ayrton Senna Lotus-Renault

Imola is different these days. Where once the cars were absolutely flat out for close to a mile, from the pit straight all the way to the hairpin at Tosa, now they must negotiate two semi-chicanes en route, and the magic of the stretch is inevitably lost.

Walk down there, and you lament the changes as you remember how it used to be, when Ayrton Senna’s black turbocharged Lotus-Renault, running almost 1500bhp on qualifying boost, would flash by at something over 210mph, scything through the curves, then almost melting its brakes before Tosa. You shivered as you watched.

You shiver a little now, for that matter. There may be far less drama on the track, but as you walk past the first of the chicanes you come upon a memorial, and you remember again May 1, 1994, that seminal date in Grand Prix racing history. The statue of Senna is next to a grandstand, directly opposite the spot where his car came to rest that day.

The images of the rescue operation come back. For those involved it was a hopeless situation, and they knew it, but as they worked away to release the mortally injured driver from his car, the rest of us watched and waited, suspecting the worst. I remember feeling desperate sympathy for Professor Sidney Watkins, involved both professionally and personally in this disaster, having long been a close friend of Ayrton.

The following morning, we had a long conversation and, while I have never forgotten it, I will never write about much that was said. The other weekend, on race morning, we talked about that day again, now at a distance of four years. Was it a problem, I asked, to come back to Imola?

’No, not really,’ the Prof replied. ’It doesn’t cause me any particular anxiety any more, and I suppose that’s strange, in a way. It was difficult coming back the first time after Ayrton died, particularly with all the messages on the wall about him. It lingers on still, doesn’t it? I suppose what’s helped me is the fact that the circuit is so different. In fact, the irony is that it was changed because of Senna’s accident – and he would have hated it, the way it is now!

’When I go through there now, I can’t believe it’s Tamburello – it isn’t there any more, is it? And it’s actually quite difficult to work out now exactly where it happened…’

It was a holocaust of a weekend, Imola ’94, when the disasters seemed without end. On the Friday, Jordan’s Rubens Barrichello survived an enormous accident, but the following day Roland Ratzenheqer was killed at the right-hander before Tosa. Senna went down there, and later had a lengthy heart-to-heart with the man he had clearly come to look upon almost as a father figure.

Professor Watkins rightly and understandably has always declined to go into detail about that conversation, but allows that he did attempt to give Ayrton some advice.

’It was the first fatality at a Grand Prix meeting for a dozen years, and for most of the drivers, of course, it was the first time they had had to confront the situation,’ said Watkins. ’Even allowing for that, I judged Ayrton’s reaction to it abnormal. I told him I didn’t think he should race the next day – and that he should think very seriously about racing again – ever.

’He thought a great deal before he answered. A minute or more. He was always like that. If you asked a difficult question, there was always a very long silence – he’d never come up with a rapid response, which he might regret. Eventually he said that he couldn’t not race, in effect. There was no particular explanation, but I believe he felt trapped by every aspect of his life at that time. I honestly think he would have liked to step back; that was the impression I’d been getting for a while.

’He’d had a difficult time in his last year with McLaren, and then the two races he’d done with Williams had gone badly: in Brazil, he’d made a mistake, and spun. At Aida, he was shoved off at the first corner. He was very upset about those races – he’d just changed teams, and he was having more problems than he’d had before. I think there’s no doubt that he felt very much pressured that he had to win at Imola.’

The race began with a startline accident involving JJ Lehto’s Benetton and Pedro Lamy’s Lotus, which left wreckage all over the track, and caused the race to be run “under yellow” for four laps, Senna leading the rest around behind a ludicrously slow safety car, then getting the signal to go again.

’When they released the cars, Ayrton went by my medical car (parked at the chicane, before the pit straight) like a bat out of hell,’ said Watkins. ’I’m not given to premonitions, but when he came past me, I said to Mario Casoni, my driver, “I’ve got a feeling there’s going to be a f-*’”’ awful accident…” I’d never had it before, and I never have since. I’m normally useless at predicting anything. But when we got the message that the race had been red-flagged, somehow I just knew it was Senna.

’Schumacher was behind him, and he backed off a bit, because he was worried about how nervous Ayrton’s car looked. He said it was like a stone skimming over water – the trajectory of the car through the corners was jerky, not a Senna trajectory at all.

’There were always a lot of big accidents here, weren’t there? Gilles (Villeneuve) had that one in 1980, where poor Ratzenberger was killed, and Jody (Scheckter) had one in practice. And there were several at Tamburello – Piquet, Berger and so on – and they got away with it. I think Ayrton would have walked away, too, if the wheel hadn’t hit him. In my view, his head injury was due to heavy impact with the right front wheel – there was a rubber mark on the side of the monocoque, up to the lip of the cockpit. His helmet was cracked, but it didn’t seem to me to have been penetrated. He had no other injuries whatever. None.’

For years the Prof would suggest to Senna that, once in the lead, he should back off a touch, that there was no need to win by a minute or whatever, but it was always to no avail. ’He couldn’t help himself – and that, in my opinion, was his main fault as a racing driver. I used to tell him that the clever driver is the one who wins while taking the least out of himself and the car. And he’d say, “Yes, I know you’re right. Everytime I go past your medical car, I remember what you said, and I feel guilty about it. But by the time I get to the next corner, I’ve forgotten…”’

Over time, Senna took an increasingly active role in safety matters, involving himself to an unusual degree in others’ accidents. When Martin Donnelly had his horrific shunt in the Lotus at Jerez in 1990, Ayrton was among the first drivers on the scene, and he immediately stopped. At the time, I wondered if that was a wise course of action for a man facing similar perils; would it not have been better to keep a certain distance from it?

’Yes, I thought that, too,’ Watkins replied. ’Occasionally, I’ve wondered if it might he a good idea if I got all the drivers together, and taught them a little bit about what to do if they arrived at an accident, where another driver was involved. In the end, I’ve always decided against it, because I don’t want to raise the nightmares in their minds.

’In the case of Donnelly, Ayrton was watching what went on, over my shoulder – I didn’t know he was there. Then, the next day, he came to see me in the pit lane, and he said, “I watched what you did. Why did you do this, and why did you do that?” It was all very intellectual, actually.

’Then, of course, subsequently he arrived once or twice at an accident before anyone else did. It happened with Erik Comas at Spa. By the time I got there, Senna was kneeling down, holding his neck – in the correct way, I might add. As we took over, Ayrton said, “I made sure his breathing was all right, and I’ve asked the marshal to keep the helmet, so you can examine it for damage.” He was a great student. I found that anything I ever said to him was filed away in his mind forever. Never forgot a thing.’

In only one respect did the Prof have a problem with Senna. ’He was like Gilles, terrifying in a road car. Because they were so confident, they didn’t allow for ordinary mortals. With people at their level, the biggest chance of an accident was always what the other driver’s reaction was going to be to what they were doing.

’Eventually, I refused to have any further lifts with either of them! I remember telling Ayrton he was scaring me, and he couldn’t understand why. I always drove after that, and he was very kind about it, I must say. He said, “I think you’re a very good and safe driver, Professor – but painfully slow!” Perhaps he and Gilles might have changed in that respect as they got older – but then neither of them got old enough, did they? They were still youngsters when they died.

’They were very alike in lots of ways, those two: both chargers on the track, but wonderfully gentle human beings. What distinguishes people like them from the rest is their flair, their total commitment, and their precision. If you were out on the track in the medical car, they’d miss you by a centimeter as they came by. That would never worry me with people like them – but some of these others, I wouldn’t give them a meter! ’

The Prof has no idea why he and Senna became such close friends. ’Just one of those things. I hit it off with some of the other drivers, too, of course… Niki, Jody, Gilles, Gerhard. There was no bullshit about any of them, and that’s a quality I’ve always … appreciated, you might say.’

On one occasion, Watkins asked Senna to attend a lunch – between the two sessions on Friday – with the doctors at Silverstone, and Ayrton at once agreed. ’He made a little speech, and thanked them for their efforts, and so on. A perfect ambassador, I thought. Someone said to him, “A lot of the drivers have a retinue around them – a physiotherapist, this, that and the other, and special diets and so on. What do you do?” And he said, “Well, I don’t do anything – if I’ve got a problem, I ring up Sid!” That brought great laughter and applause – they appreciated the lack of bullshit, too.’

He is silent a moment or two. ’It was such an extraordinary weekend, here in ’94, wasn’t it? Apart from what happened with the drivers, there were injuries to the mechanics in the pit lane, injuries to people in the crowd… As far as I rememher, there were 21 casualties altogether.

’It’s odd, I suppose, that I don’t have a problem coming back to Imola. Just before that weekend, I went to Venice with my wife. I’d never been there before – and I’ll never go again, because that, I know, would bring it all back again. What started off as such a great week ended with the most tragic weekend there’s been – certainly in my experience, anyway.

’I still think a great deal about Ayrton. I dream about him a lot. It’s one of the problems of old age, you know: you dream more. There are two or three people in my life who have affected me a lot – my father, the neurosurgeon at Oxford with whom I trained, and Senna – and I dream about them constantly. And I hate it, because they’re alive and well, and then you wake up, and you have to face it again that they’re gone.

’My relationship with Ayrton was by far the closest that I’ve ever had with another man, I would say. He was a remarkable chap altogether, wasn’t he? ’

By Nigel Roebuck

This text was taken from

2010 in review

Posted in Life on January 2, 2011 by smurariu

The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

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The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Fresher than ever.

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A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 1,700 times in 2010. That’s about 4 full 747s.


In 2010, there were 5 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 30 posts.

The busiest day of the year was November 30th with 28 views. The most popular post that day was Noaptea Sfântului Andrii.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were,,,, and

Some visitors came searching, mostly for e “-writeromfile” dell, dell xps 1340, espresso knock box, dell xps 1340 bios recovery, and knock box.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


Noaptea Sfântului Andrii June 2009
1 comment


Bricked Dell Xps 1340 March 2010


How to remove the ads from Yahoo Messenger 10 March 2010


Espresso Knock box October 2008


What do you do with your empty Illy cans? October 2008

Codename Two Launched

Posted in Life with tags , , , , , , , , on June 28, 2010 by smurariu

For a number of years now, I’ve been working with a friend of mine who’s a designer, to create custom websites. After we’ve done quite a bit of projects we decided that it’s time to gather them all in one place and call it Codename Two (since there’s two of us). So there you have it, codename two is born, up and running. Just for the record, we specialize in Web presence design, Visual Identity and Asp.Net C# Web Applications. Our services also include Asp.Net hosting, Print, Banners, Outdoor advertising and so on. Feel free to explore our site and look at some of the work we’ve done so far.
